Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is Your Gift of Gratitude in the Moment?

What is your gift of gratitude in the moment?


Have you ever had a "magic day" when everything worked? Where you felt everything is as it should be; you accomplished everything you set out to do seemingly without any effort and you achieved exactly what you went after?

"Magic days" and a feeling of prosperity and gratitude go hand in hand. We live life, in that moment, from a center of inspiration. We experience an inner knowingness that everything we experienced, up until that moment, served us perfectly and generously.

This true sense of peace is inspiration and gratefulness.

We have all experienced a perceived sense of loss, sadness, despair, emptiness, fear, judgment, and/or depression. You are not alone there ~ the beauty of this is there is nothing new or different about this at all ~ you are One with Others on this Journey.

Our perceptions of mistakes, tragedies or "bad" events are just that ~ our perceived vision of the present moment. Nothing has value except for the value we place on "it"; therefore, those events or things in our lives that seem "bad" really are Gifts of Gratitude and Love in that moment.

We can experience an open heart of gratitude in any situation.

Your situation may seem like a jumbled mess and there is Inspirational Beauty in that "Mess".

How is that possible?

Let me give a real life example ~

At the age of 32, I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer.

At the time, I couldn't hear the doctor tell me that there is a high probability that women are cured of this cancer. I chose not to hear my doctor.

What I chose for a period of time was death, doom, and despair. Wow ~ I really wallowed in it! I mean, who else could possibly understand or even know the depths of sadness and drama that I would have to face in "curing" my cancer? I created such a nightmare around this perceived tragic, tragic event. Believe me ~ it was such a great story! One that I was sure anyone bound to hear my story would feel so sorry for me! (Plus, I had been struggling financially as well at this time. Just more "bad luck", right?)

Ha! I really owned my story!

As the Universe would have it, something brilliant happened.

One evening, I returned home late from work. I lived in a Senior Citizens Community ~ I am still not clear how exactly that happened, and I know it was in Divine Order that God placed me there as my residence.

I drudgingly climbed the metal stairs up to my apartment floor. My elderly neighbor heard my lethargic feet dragging as she flew open her door, grabbed my shoulders ~ well... shook my shoulders and looked at me square in the eyes and said, " Young lady, there was a nice looking man at your door earlier today. Of course, as the designated neighborhood watch-woman, I saw to it, quickly, to find out why he was here. Do you know why he was here, Alison?"

"No.", I said with a very sad face.

"He took the shut-off notice from your door and paid your bill. He told us you were having a hard time and had received some bad news. So then all of us in our building pitched in and bought you this.", she grinned as she handed me a beautifully wrapped package of gold and purple.

She placed the package in my hands. I carefully unwrapped the delicately, decorated box.

I looked inside.

It was a pink book.

The book's title ~ "100 ways to Express Gratitude"

She clapped her little, wrinkly hands rapidly. "Please, please read this to me. I have been so anxious to know what it says inside!"

So we sat down on the top stair. I read the book to her, through thick tears and a quivering lip.

The greatest gift of all ~ gratitude.

At the end of the book, she placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with her loving, dark eyes and whispered, "Alison, always be grateful for the love that is shown to you daily. Sometimes it will feel like it's your darkest hour, but love is always there."

She got up slowly, entered her apartment and closed her door.

I decided in that moment, I was grateful.

I was and am grateful for a cancer that turned my life around. I am grateful that through alternative therapies, prayer and meditation and full expression of how cancer served me in seeing the greatest gift of all ~ Love, Gratitude and lead me to an expression of Inspiration.

Expressing Gratitude leads to Inspiration ~

Ask yourself ~ How does "this" serve me? Find the equal amount of what seems to be "negative" and what are the positives.

In this balance ~ you will find the Gift.

Remember you are Perfection ~

"Addo" ~


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