Friday, October 9, 2009

Your Perfect Dream Come True

Every challenge in your life is a story of Gratitude and Blessing. There is such beauty in learning to love your imperfections, owning your truth and true voice, and discovering that you are your own dream come true through these challenges. The greatest guru is whispering at you in the mirror.


I am a perfect woman. I am perfect in my eyes. I am perfect in my creator’s heart.

As I sit in this wooden high-top chair in a small, crowded coffee-shop, I am observing the kaleidoscope of humanity before me, I see the perfection in them ~ the blue-eyed girl, with a shaved head, sweating to make the perfect cup of coffee; the grayed-hair man embracing his pen and pad of paper sitting under the umbrella’d table; the young mother, with a turned down grin, pushing her baby across the cobblestone sidewalk; and the gently sun-kissed homeless man and his box of secrets ~ such perfection in their story.

What is your perfect story?

Mine started at the age of 5. I remember being wildly attracted to yellow flowers and men with strong personalities; for my own father, in my perspective, was not. Through out my life, I manifested not only many bouquets of yellow flowers, but also many men who fit the profile: strong and abusive. (Disclaimer: not all of the men my life were abusive.)

I learned, at a young age, that seemingly my worth was based solely on how to make the man in my life happy. That man could have been a teacher, an uncle, my father, a boyfriend, a boss. I believed this so deeply as I continued to experience this type of relating a good portion of my life.

I experienced different forms of abuse, however…

the greatest abuse I experienced was the abuse I did to myself.

I did not take the time to look in the mirror and see the beauty of my soul gleaming out to the world.

I did not observe the uniquely, crooked smile that only I can give.

I did not hear the beating of my own unconditional, loving heart.

What I saw, for so long, was a woman who believed that she deserved to be hit, to be told she is worth nothing and fat, stupid and ugly.

How does a woman become empowered after many years of such an embedded belief-system?

Interesting that you should ask!

Three years ago, I met a beautiful woman who I had an instant sisterly connection with one night. She and I began to share our stories of a past we believed shaped us into this being sitting before each other.

My friend then asked me the strangest question.

“Alison, would you be open to the possibility that these stories you tell are perfect in design?”


She then proceeded to introduce me to a man (yes, a man) who pushed me further in asking the question,

“Alison, what are you grateful for in these experiences?”


He asked me to make a list. On one side write everything that I could think of that seemed to be “negative” about my experiences with men. Write until I exhausted every thought and emotion. This task took about 3 days.

Once I finished that list, he instructed me to write on the other side an equal amount of positives from these experiences. I definitely had to have help; at the time, I just couldn’t see the benefit of these encounters. He encouraged me to look deeper ~

“Negative” – Felt alone
“Positive” – Stronger determination to manifest my own destiny

“Negative” – Sense of loosing my innocence
“Positive” – Encouraged me to mentor young kids to play and learn life skills

“Negative” – Physical Pain
“Positive” – Took a self defense class which in turn began to raise my confidence

I think you can see what began to happen.

Writing the positives took longer as I had bombarded myself with messages that did not embrace love and forgiveness.

It wasn’t easy at first. Quite frankly, sometimes it still isn’t easy. And there is such beauty in that discovery process of perfection. The men in my life ~ are perfect as they are. The challenges and beliefs I held and have ~ are perfect as they appear.

Me = Perfection.


The concept itself may sound easy. When you really begin to tackle true heart issues to find equilibrating traits (equal positives and negatives) it can feel daunting. Once you do this, beautiful soul…once you take the courage to face the equal positives and negative, you find the perfection in that event, that circumstance, that belief.

That perfection establishes the playing ground of no longer having a charge in your life.
You experience gratitude. You experience love for the perfection in you.

Today, I look in the mirror and see a beautiful, sexy, strong, loving woman worthy of all the Universe delivers to me. I know the perfection in each soul I see. I know I am the dream I have been waiting for and my voice is bold and strong!

Want to know more how to equilibrate the charges in your life?

Order The Perfection Trilogy™ at

Here you will learn tools to balance your emotions so you can break long-standing patterns to experience a new found Actuality.

Please feel free to email or comment ~



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