Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Asking Empowering Questions

What excites me about today?

What do I want?

How do I feel?

How can I share my gifts now?

What can I learn here?

How can I realize more meaning in my life?

What is worthy of my attention?

Who can I connect with here?

What can I contribute to this situation?

What can I give today?

...and what else?

What's funny about this?

What am I grateful for?

What brings me joy in that experience?

How did I make a difference today?

How can I leave this place more beautiful than I found it?

Can I laugh now?

What is my Truth about this issue?

What's next?

What now?

What is the question?

How can I/we be empowered?

Am I ready to receive the gifts of the Universe?

How does God/Source see this?

Who am I?

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