Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gratitude & Appreciation for an Empowered Woman

“That man (or Empowered Woman) is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men (and Empowered Women) and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Transcending OUR EMOTIONAL PATTERNS is the key to APPRECIATION (from family problems to financial stress).

Think about every "problem" as your own personal emotional reaction to a PERCEIVED "Problem".

But the amazing thing is that once we transcend the emotions of a "problem", we experience APPRECIATION and our whole life miraculously changes.

We will experience emotions in every moment of our lives!

Yet, there is a SCIENCE to balancing your emotions and in turn mastering the Art of Appreciation.

Think about APPRECIATING YOUR MONEY... When you do this, does it then not grow?

"Appreciation" is the key to:
- Mastering Relationships
- Mastering Worth
- Mastering Wealth
- Mastering Wisdom

*finding the perfection in our circumstances
*a state of “being”
*having a presence of inspiration and non-judgment
*getting beyond the lies of “good” and “evil”
*finding God in every word, thought and deed
*being in Spirit, with Spirit
*loving what we don't like as much as what we do like, and
*EQUAL LOVE for all that is, as it is, was, or ever shall become.

I am offering you a free book - “Thank God I...”Stories of Inspiration so that you, too, can “see” and “know” there are other people, OTHER EMPOWERED WOMEN, who BROKE THROUGH their adversities, their challenges, and developed a state of mind of “GRATITUDE”.

Please go to ~~~~

Living Inspirationally,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Did you know that everything that happens in this universe and everything that exists is exactly as it's supposed to be at this time? The Universe is whole and we cannot be separated from our Creator Source. Therefore, in Source, we are perfect - just as we are, just as we have always been, just as we will always be.
Our feelings have been called the language of the soul. Our emotional highs and lows are an opportunity for us to experience soul-full language and gratitude.

How is this possible?

Especially since sometimes our emotions are at times painful and uncomfortable...

It is through this realization that our feelings of pain and discomfort serve us in some higher purpose that we are able to connect with our emotional highs and our emotional lows. In this realization we can choose....we can balance those highs and lows with gratitude and connect to our deeper self.

Being an Empowered Woman is embracing this deeper concept.

St. Augustine once said, "This is the very perfection of man (or woman!), to find out his (or her) own imperfections."

As we begin to master, as Empowered Women... Empowered Beings... our understanding of equilibrating our emotional charges we will have an increased ability to live in harmony with those emotions.

What is the benefit of this?
1. We stand, as women, EMPOWERED in our strong and beautiful light.
2. We, as Empowered Women, live on purpose with Inspiration.
3. We radiate, we glow, and bask in living vibrantly!
4. We, as Empowered Women, live every moment Inspirationally Aligned with our Creator Source.

Stay present to this blog to find out more key steps to Empowering yourself to the Perfect Solution!

Living Inspirationally,