Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Did you know that everything that happens in this universe and everything that exists is exactly as it's supposed to be at this time? The Universe is whole and we cannot be separated from our Creator Source. Therefore, in Source, we are perfect - just as we are, just as we have always been, just as we will always be.
Our feelings have been called the language of the soul. Our emotional highs and lows are an opportunity for us to experience soul-full language and gratitude.

How is this possible?

Especially since sometimes our emotions are at times painful and uncomfortable...

It is through this realization that our feelings of pain and discomfort serve us in some higher purpose that we are able to connect with our emotional highs and our emotional lows. In this realization we can choose....we can balance those highs and lows with gratitude and connect to our deeper self.

Being an Empowered Woman is embracing this deeper concept.

St. Augustine once said, "This is the very perfection of man (or woman!), to find out his (or her) own imperfections."

As we begin to master, as Empowered Women... Empowered Beings... our understanding of equilibrating our emotional charges we will have an increased ability to live in harmony with those emotions.

What is the benefit of this?
1. We stand, as women, EMPOWERED in our strong and beautiful light.
2. We, as Empowered Women, live on purpose with Inspiration.
3. We radiate, we glow, and bask in living vibrantly!
4. We, as Empowered Women, live every moment Inspirationally Aligned with our Creator Source.

Stay present to this blog to find out more key steps to Empowering yourself to the Perfect Solution!

Living Inspirationally,

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